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How to eat with a denture


When eating with a denture some foods will be difficult to chew. Your friends may tell you how easy it was for them. Believe me,they have had a severe memory lapse.

Eating steak, corn on the cob and vegetables, like carrots, can be more difficult than before when you were chewing and biting with natural healthy teeth. You may be afraid to go out to fine restaurants.

The sense of taste will be affected when you wear your first dentures. Your brain will not be accustomed to the palate being covered by the denture. Patients feel that the loss of taste is due to the palate being covered, instead tasted buds are located on the tongue. Your brain has to become more accustomed to your dentures. As this happens, the brain pays less attention to the roof of the mouth and you will regain the taste of food.

Practice with your denture, eating slow. Eating may be very difficult. It will take you several weeks to eat naturally with your new denture. Chew in an up and down motion pushing your food upward to stabilize your denture.

Try the following instructions and you will be able to enjoy most of your food:

1. Cut your foods into smaller pieces when beginning to use your denture.

2. Chew half of your food on the right side and the other half on the left side of the denture. The pressure of the denture will be more balanced when chewing

3. Start with soft foods: eggs, fish, cooked vegetables and oatmeal

4. Try some denture adhesive, it will help your denture from becoming dislodged from your palate.

As time passes, you will advance in the type of foods that you can chew. You may have difficulty chewing lettuce and skin from apples and tomatoes, for example. Try slicing your apples before you eat them.

Always chew your food at the back of your mouth. Most of all enjoy your new smile.

Drs Capps, Bowman & Padgett can assist you with your new set of dentures. Call us
